Bringing Calm in Turbulent Times

As Belgium emerged from the shock of the deadliest act of terrorism in its history, its Brussels Way to Happiness team stepped up the effort to bring the 21 precepts and their calming influence to the nation.
They have since launched a Peace and Solidarity campaign with custom The Way to Happiness booklets, featuring a symbolic dove and the Belgium flag and are getting these out everywhere. You will now find these booklets across Brussels.
Through regular visits to busy local shops, the team has gotten out more than a thousand booklets. Shop owners of all races, religions and nationalities have embraced the first moral code based wholly on common sense, and readily began distributing it to their customers.
The Way to Happiness holds a Guinness World Record as the most translated book of all time. It was given to one shopkeeper in his native language of Urdu. He now keeps a copy at his bedside, reading one precept a night and working out how to apply it to better his life.
The team often hears stories of those receiving The Way to Happiness reading it from cover to cover and seeing it as a practical reflection of their own personal philosophy or faith.
Here is the book’s stabilizing message to this shaken city: “One can feel at times like a spinning leaf blown along a dirty street. But nobody has said that life was a calm and orderly thing: it isn’t,” writes L. Ron Hubbard. “One can, to greater or lesser degree draw his road map and follow it.”
Every day teachers, correction officers and non-profit leaders reach out to spread common-sense moral values. Here is what they have to say about what they accomplish with The Way to Happiness.
This material has been extremely important to me, for allowing my students a way to live with harmony, peace and wisdom.
I have in my care a group of students aged 16 to 19 who live in a dangerous city. I want to instill values to these young people. This kit has been wonderful for this—the students love it.
I work for a high school and a sports university. In both, there are many teenagers that lack affection and values. This kit transforms lives.
I was teaching an inmate transition class at the prison and found The Way to Happiness videos very useful in the instruction of life skills. The inmates related to the characters and it spurred a lot of conversation and discussion.
This booklet and the DVD are wonderful to use. I like that there is a public service announcement before the video—this allows for a great base for discussing what the students have seen in real life. I’ve shared this with the special education teacher that works with me as well as the guidance counselor in my school. The special education teacher is watching the videos with us and contributing to the discussions. The guidance counselor is thrilled that I am doing something like this in my classes.
We present diversion and relapse prevention programs for the juvenile courts in Las Vegas, Nevada and find this material makes a huge difference.

The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.